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I can’t believe the summer is almost over! The weather in NYC has taken note that Labor Day is behind us and the temperatures have dropped into the 70’s.!  It has been such an amazing summer, with so much change, for us – we’ve moved apartments, we’re growing our little family and this blog got a big makeover! So, I couldn’t let it come to an end without taking a moment to stop and look back at my favorite moments…

[Memorial Day in Hoboken | My first lobster roll of the season | The Veuve Clicquot Polo Classic]

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[ Our first glimpse at sweet Baby Knapp (at 9 weeks) | brunch at Jeffery’s | Fro Yo break with Lydia ]

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[4th of July essentials | A day at the Jersey Shore | Dinner at the Parker House]

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[It’s a BOY! | Sunset at the lake house | lobster tacos in East Hampton]

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[Working by the pool | Welcoming views coming back into the city | First signs of Baby Knapp!]

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[One of my favorite outfits from summer! | | Costa Rica travel essentials | FMK + a stunning Costa Rica sunset]

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[The boys at our villa in CR | another beautiful sunset | Taking a dip]

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[Exploring Vail Village | Taking a hike in Co. | Best bagels in TriBeCa]

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[moving day! | Picking out paint colors + fabric swatches | a SoHo stroll]
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[Showering Baby Knapp in Texas | Last trip without a baby! Back to NYC… | hosting friends at the new apartment]

Don’t forget to enter to win the Elaine Turner giveaway!  Giveaway ends tonight!