Something about changing seasons and back-to-school always gets me motivated and excited to evaluate and adjust everything from our schedules and wellness routines to our family budgets and closet clutter.
I have found a few easy ways to better monitor our spending and therefore found some simple ways to save more recently and I thought it was worth sharing.
Keep reading below for six easy ways to save – including my favorite budgeting app – to spend smartly so that you can save a bit more before the holiday season. Read on below!
Download a Budgeting App
We recently set up an account with Mint.com and it has been super helpful! You and your significant other can link all of your bank accounts to help you keep track of spending and set very specific budgets. The app allows you to see updates in real time so that you know how you’re doing with your weekly and monthly spending goals. It’s very insightful – and sometimes surprising – to see how much you’re actually spending on coffee, beauty appointments, groceries, dining out, etc.
Jump on the Meal Plan Train
While I love Favor’ing dinner after a long day, I know that it’s much more economical – and healthy – to cook. Now that I’m back in a productive routine, I’m meal planning as much as possible to avoid spending money on last minute takeout. I love Smart in the Kitchen’s weekly meal plans and am always a fan of slow cooker meals that take minimal prep — and dirty dishes! Add these three fall slow cooker recipes to your rotation this month!
Make Your Own Coffee
I know, I know — it’s fun to treat yourself to a seasonal coffee every once in a while! I’m trying to cut back on my Starbucks spending (I have a budget set thanks to Mint!) I am personally still loving Iced Coffee and THE BEST at home iced coffee is Califia Farms XX Espresso Cold Brew Coffee with Almondmilk. If you are the PSL type (I personally am not a fan), Trader Joe’s has you covered with Pumpkin Spice Coffee that you can brew as well as single serve Pumpkin Spice pods to make in your Keurig! If you like a creamer, try the Pumpkin Spice Almond Beverage.
Clean Out Your Closet
The beginning of fall always gives me the itch to update my wardrobe, but I end up spending money on pieces similar to ones I already own (do I really need another plaid blazer?). Before buying new clothes for the fall, sort through your closet and organize it so that all of your fall and winter items are front and center. Remove everything that you haven’t worn in the past year or that no longer fits, and either donate items or create an account with Poshmark (or a similar platform) to sell them. You can then put this money towards new fall staples. To simplify your fall wardrobe and prevent unnecessary spending, try editing down your closet to a capsule wardrobe that includes these 10 essentials.
Audit Your Subscriptions
Over the years I’ve built up a small roster of services that I subscribe to, both for work and personal use. From Netflix to Dropbox, these seemingly insignificant $10.99 charges add up quickly, and sometimes I end up paying for things I don’t even use anymore! Go through your last bank statement to see which services you are currently paying for that you no longer need and unsubscribe. While you’re at it, unsubscribe to retailer emails that tempt you multiple times daily to buy things you don’t need!
Think On It for *At Least* 48 Hours
With super user-friendly e-comm stores like Shopbop and Amazon, it is so easy to purchase anything and everything from clothes to home decor with just a few clicks. I end up buying items on a whim out of convenience rather than really thinking through the purchase decision. A good rule of thumb is to give yourself at least 48 hours before clicking “Add to Cart”. Better yet, wait a whole week! While it is super satisfying to have something new appear on your doorstep 2 days after purchasing, online shopping is an expensive habit that often results in buyer’s remorse. Making yourself wait a few days before buying will eliminate those regrets and leave more money in your checking account at the end of the month to add to savings.
Do you have any saving tips or a favorite budgeting app? Please share in the comments below!
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