Today’s post is brought to you by our superstar intern Andie Chilson. Andie is a Journalism student at Baylor University with a passion for writing, art, and fashion. She has experience with PaperCity Magazine in Houston where she first began exploring her love for fashion journalism. Andie has been helping us this summer with content production and all of the ins and outs around the office so that we can publish amazing articles for you!
If you’ve been trying to land your dream internship, Andie has fantastic pointers for how to get the job and then make the most of it once you’re there. Although an internship generally applies to college students, it can really be for anyone looking to change career paths, jump back into the working world, or gain experience in a new field. Read on below for her insightful advice!
Step 1: Land the Job
1. Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box when reaching out to a potential employer.
I first contacted Caroline via Instagram direct messages! Although this was an unconventional way to reach out to a potential employer, I knew that it was a surefire way to get her attention. Social media, in general, tends to be an effective way to get in contact with people, so don’t be afraid to use it! Although platforms like Instagram and Twitter are great tools for getting your foot in the door, be sure to follow up with a more formal email that includes your resume to show you are a serious candidate.
2. Make sure your resume has relevant information for the position.
In the beginning of my career, I made the mistake of using the same resume when applying for completely different positions. For instance, I used the same resume when applying for an internship at a fashion magazine that I used when applying for a job at a local newspaper. You want to make yourself seem well-suited for the specific brand or company you’re applying to, so tailoring your resume to include skills and experience that are pertinent to that position is paramount.
3. After you interview, follow up.
It’s easy for your resume to get lost in the shuffle, especially at the height of hiring season (i.e. the end of summer). An easy way to make yourself memorable and to demonstrate your interest in a position is to follow up with your contact at the company. This can be as simple as an email restating your interest in the job and why you think you are the best candidate for the position.
Step 2: Rock Your Internship
1. Don’t be afraid to ask questions + take notes.
HOUSE of HARPER is my first experience working with a blog, so, unsurprisingly, it took me a few weeks to learn the ropes. I came into the job wanting so badly to impress Caroline and show her that I could be an asset to her team, and I thought that asking questions would make me seem unprofessional. I quickly realized that wasn’t the case, and the only way for me to do this job well was to ask questions while I got familiar with the terrain. With about two months under my belt and copious questions for Caroline and Kathryn, I finally feel like I know what I’m doing and am confident that I’m doing it well. Had I been too afraid to ask the questions I did, it would have taken me a lot longer to get comfortable doing this job. Also, always take notes when someone is taking the time to work with you. The notes will later serve as your tutor the next time you are asked to complete the task should you need a refresher. Plus, it shows your employer that you are serious about learning and truly want to do a good job.
2. Get to know your boss.
Getting to know your boss and forming a relationship beyond just professional gives them a chance to see you and your skillset in a wider scope. If your boss knows you as a person, not just an employee, they can speak to your character and other nonprofessional qualities when recommending you to future employers.
3. Figure out what you enjoy most in your job.
Most jobs require a variety of things from you. At HOUSE of HARPER, for example, some of my regular tasks include writing content, creating House Favorites collages and preparing the weekly newsletter. Of my regular responsibilities, I most enjoy writing content, as writing has always been a passion of mine and is something I want to pursue as a career. By figuring out my favorite part of this job, I can keep that in mind when considering future positions.
Step 3: Don’t Sever Ties
1. Ask for a recommendation before you leave.
By asking your employer for a letter of recommendation before you leave, it allows them to describe all of your best qualities while they’re still fresh on their mind. You want a letter of recommendation to be as specific as possible, and having it written while you’re still working for a company gives you a much better chance of that.
2. Think about what you liked most in a position when looking for your next job.
Every jobs has its pros and cons, so think about your favorite parts of your current job when looking for future positions. Compile a list of the responsibilities or assignments you most enjoyed, and use that as a guide when researching other positions and what they entail. Conversely, if there are certain aspects of your present job that you particularly dislike, keep those in mind as well and use them to narrow down the job search.
3. Stay in touch.
The key to advancing in any field is building as strong and wide a network as possible; and one of the best ways to do this is to keep in touch with past employers and colleagues. By maintaining even just a professional relationship, it increases your chances of getting job opportunities that contacts think you might be well-suited for. Additionally, the wider your network is, the better your chances are of having a connection with an individual or company you’re interested in working with.
Do you have any follow up questions for Andie about landing your dream internship? Feel free to leave them in the comments below!
Also, we are super excited to share that we are now looking for a fall intern! Please send resumes to caroline@houseofharper.com if you’re interested! You can learn more about the position here.
Are y’all still looking for an intern?