
Congratulations, we have made it half way through our first week back to work in 2017!

At HOUSE of HARPER, we are busy taking a deep dive into last year and cooking up some fun new content for 2017!  Don’t be too jealous if it sounds like a fun vacation, we are also doing the not so glamorous stuff like taxes, expenses and all those fancy spreadsheets that I got so good at in my Buyer days. πŸ™‚  With that being said, we will be taking all next week off from blog post and will be back with new content on Monday, January 16th! In the meantime, we will be active on social media, of course.  You can find me on Facebook + Instagram @houseofharper.

Speaking of social media, when Instagram launched stories, I decided to move our Snapchat videos over there.  It was too overwhelming for me to post on both platforms and since I was already using Instagram, I thought it made the most sense for my audience.  However, I have received several comments about moving it back to Snapchat.  What is the consensus?  Which platform are you using most?  I would love to hear your thoughts!

As always, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for sharing this journey with me!  Because of all of you, I get to share what I love everyday and call it a job.  I hope to continue to create content that inspires you and keeps you coming back for more.  If there is something you would like to see more of, see less of, topics or categories become more frequent, please take a second to leave a comment or shoot me an email.  Do you want more videos?  More home?  More family?  More outfits?  Let us know!
