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Grace and I met up Monday morning for some girl chat and a walk in Central park.  As I mentioned here, walking is my exercise of choice – especially when I get to enjoy it with a friend!

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One of the things I have discovered since moving from Dallas to NYC is that it is so much harder to meet up with your girlfriends. I guess it really is true that New Yorkers are busier because I find myself scheduling girl dates months in advance (after several back and forth emails of trying to find a date).  With Grace’s busy work schedule of running social media at BaubleBar + running her amazing blog,  we decided to combine our girl time with our work out time.  It’s all about multi- tasking!

So on Monday morning, you could find us in my favorite place in the city, Central Park. (Where FMK proposed 5 years ago!)

If you follow me on Instagram, you already know about this crazy deal. These shoes were $1.97 (in the SoHo store)!  I am still not sure how it is possible.  Or why I only bought one pair.

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Speaking of deals. My entire outfit is Old Navy (literally from head to toe) and EVERYTHING cost me less than $60!

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Outfit details: sports bra (2 for $15), tank ($10), jacket ($15), pants ($10), hat ($13), sneakers ($2) and socks (3 for $4) c/o Old Navy // Entire outfit cost < $60!

Photographed by Bekka Palmer

Get my Look:

This post is brought to you in partnership with Old Navy. Check out Old Navy’s latest fashion lineup in store or online at oldnavy.com.  Thank you for supporting the brands that help make HOUSE of HARPER possible!