1. Time Management Tips for Working Moms: It’s no secret that being a mom is a full-time responsibility, but throw in an additional 9-5 job, and it can be very overwhelming at times. Fellow working mama and blogger Blaire of The Fox & She shares some of her best tips for the balancing act that is being a working mom.
2. How to Set Short-Term and Long-Term Goals: I’m all about goal setting and September is the ideal time of year for a fresh start and end of year goals. This article by my friend Brighton Keller of Brighton the Day talks about how to balance long and short-term goals to manage progress efficiently.
3. Am I… Moisturizing Wrong?: Serums, toners, oils and balms… it’s enough to make even the most seasoned beauty guru feel out of their league. When it comes to moisturizing, it’s all about trial and error until you find the right combination for your unique skin type. Wherever you are in your skincare journey, here are a few tips to make the trek a little bit easier.
4. Why You Should Be Revisiting Your New Year’s Resolutions Now: While New Year’s may be a distant memory at this point in the year, hopefully your resolutions aren’t! And even if they are, there’s still hope! This article offers insightful tips and advice to make the most of what’s left of the year and achieve your goals for 2018 while there’s still time.
5. The Downfall of Our Industry?: Unfortunately bloggers and influencers are often regarded as second-tier journalists, or models, by powerful figures in the fashion industry. I love this article by Jenny Cipoletti of Margot & Me talking about the importance of defending our work and creativity that contributes to the world of fashion and how it relates to others.
Good readings! Time management is a struggle for us all!