// the new home of HOUSE of HARPER (wip) //
With my first day back in the office in the new year under my belt, I am feeling organized, refreshed and ready to conquer 2015!
To many, new year’s resolutions seem cliché and silly. To some extent, I agree. Why wait on a certain date to reflect and restart? The whole ‘why put off to tomorrow what you could do today’ mentality, but this year the new year comes at a cross roads for me so it seems like a perfect time to do just that.
2014 was a year of the purest joys. I watched Knox grow and learn right before my very eyes . It was a year of amazing opportunities for both myself and FMK. I took a leap of faith and left corporate America for the first time since graduating from college and devoted myself full-time to HOUSe of HARPER and FMK left his job at Morgan Stanley in NYC for an opportunist position in his home town of Houston. It was also a year of great loss. I mourned the loss of two of the most influential people in my life within a few short weeks of each other. All that being said, it was a year of change. We moved across the country, we embarked on new careers, we bought our first home, and we navigated our way as first time parents.
If 2014 was a year of change, it is my hope that 2015 is a year of growth. Personal growth. Spiritual growth. Career growth. So today, I am sitting down and putting my goals to paper with checklist along the way to help me get there.
Heres to 2015 and experiencing it with all of you! Thanks for embarking on this journey with me!
xo, CHK
office details: desk: World Market | rug: Lulu & Georgia | desk chair: amazon | orange chair: vintage from my grandparents | sheep skin: Lulu & Georgia | pillow: c/o Furbish Studio | lamp: Urban Outfitters | desk accessories: Design Darling | candle: Diptyque
Wonderful wishes for the New Year! All the best to you, C.
God luck with your goals! So much happened in 2014 I’m sure you have huge expectations and hopes for the coming year. We have faith in you!
xo Rachel
Congratulations on what sounds like an epic 2014. I lost two important people rather close to me at the end of last year, so I know how you must be feeling. Wishing you and your family all the best in 2015!
Great post + excited to see what you have in store in 2015! Best wishes!
Love this post! My husband and I are also relocating to Houston, thinking of purchasing a home and hoping to start a family soon. It seems as though you are about 6 months ahead of me in life and it has been so fun reading about your transitions and thought process behind it all. Thank you for sharing and charting the path! Cheers to 2015! 🙂
Ah, so fun! It’s been a great transition so you have a lot to look forward to. 🙂