
After a 24 hour trip from San Antonio to New York City, a weekend out east was just what I needed.

Knox and I were in San Antonio meeting my precious nephew last week.  We were supposed to fly back to the city on Wednesday and leave for the beach on Thursday, but instead we had quite an adventure.  Long story short, as our plane approached LGA Wednesday evening we had to circle outside the NYC area due to bad weather, but the plane got low on fuel.  So, we were rerouted to Baltimore to refuel.  All fine until the bad weather in NYC followed the plane to Baltimore and we had to wait on the runway for a few hours hoping for the bad weather to pass.  Well, it didn’t.  At 1:45am Knox and I checked into the Holiday Inn Express at BWI, shared a king size bed and got a few hours sleep before we had to be back at the airport the next morning.  It was quiet an adventure flying alone with a 9 month old, but the crew and other passengers were so sweet.  We had people helping me with luggage, offering their hotel rooms and helping to entertain Knox.  I love seeing people come together in hard times.

When we finally did get home it was a mad rush to unpack and repack for the beach, but once we got there it was all worth it.  I didn’t take  a single outfit picture and one day I didn’t even put on makeup.  It was a weekend full of playing with Knox (and FMK), spending quality time with friends and simply relaxing.

We rented a cute New England style home with a pool so we could hang out at the house when the babies were napping and grill out for dinner after the babies went to sleep.  I am going to miss the cute little villages, the perfectly manicured yards and the beautiful New England style homes on Long Island.  It is such a needed escape from the hustle and bustle of the city at times.

Here are a few of my favorite snaps from the weekend…




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