Knox has some news for y’all this morning! Can you guess from his outfit?…

You guessed it, we are moving back to Texas! FMK got a wonderful opportunity in Houston that is bringing us back home sooner than we had planned, but we are so excited to be closer to friends and family back home. It is definitely a bitter-sweet time for us as we will miss New York and our friends here dearly.

Luckily for me, I will be back to the city often for work projects. (I already have trips lined up in late July and September to come back which is making saying good-bye easier for now.)

HOUSE of HARPER will move with us to Houston.  I am excited to continue posting as usual and to start including more home inspirations as we begin our house search and get to start making a house our home (hopefully soon)!

Thank you for following along and continuing to support HOUSE of HARPER!