Spring is in the air in Houston and you know what that means!  It’s Iced Coffee Season!




Photographed by Kate Robinson

Living in Houston I drink iced coffee about nine months out of the year and I am embarrassed by how often I drove thru to purchase my coffee after dropping Knox off at school in the mornings. I have tried so many of the pre-made, store-bought cold brew coffees, but to be honest, they just weren’t the same.

Rewind to last fall, I had the amazing opportunity to go to New York with KitchenAid to see their new product lines and test items that were not yet available on the market. We got to see some really exciting state-of-the-art large and small appliances, but I have to admit there was one that really got my heart to skip a beat – their Cold Brew Coffee Maker. The design is so sleek and simple that it is perfect to leave on display when serving guests, and it fits perfectly into your refrigerator to store and pour (for up to two weeks after brewing)!

As a mom, my mornings are all about getting the boys fed, getting Knox ready for school, packing his lunch and trying to make myself look presentable. Let’s be honest, I need coffee as soon as I wake up and I need it to be easy as well as delicious. You guys, it is literally so simple to make. I am talking measure your coffee grounds and add water – the same simple steps as your regular coffee maker – then simply remove the coffee ground holder. I am not exaggerating when I tell you how happy it makes me to open my refrigerator to fresh cold brew coffee every morning exactly how I like it. One of the cons about buying coffee is the barista doesn’t always make it with the perfect amount of milk or sweetener, but when you make it at home you can customize your coffee to your current mood or season exactly to your liking. Plus, it makes my husband really happy that I am not wasting money on Starbucks every morning!

Products: Kitchen Aid Cold Brew Coffee Maker |  King Bean Cold Brew Coffee

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This post was sponsored by KitchenAid. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the products and brands we love at HOUSE of HARPER!