I am thrilled to launch a new monthly series we are rolling out called Mom Crush. This is something we have had on our to-do list for about a year now, but (like so many things) kept getting pushed to the back burner. As a working mom myself, I am always turning to other moms I admire for inspiration, motivation and advice so I thought why not make this something fun and share it with you all?!
I have a really exciting list of my major mom crushes that have so kindly agreed to share their time and wisdom with us each month. Today we are kicking things off with non other than my friend and someone I truly admire, Mrs. Monika Hibbs!
all images c/o Monika Hibbs
Monika and I both started our blogs around the same time back in 2011 and I have been a dedicated reader and follower ever since. It’s hard to remember when we actually met because in the digital space you often consider people friends before you have ever even chatted over a cup of coffee, but at some point along the way, we met in New York City and have since enjoyed dinners together, exchanged many text messages over best parenting and business practices and even share the occasional laugh (mostly from out takes of our kids when they don’t want to pose for a picture) and frustration that come along with being a working mom with such a non-traditional occupation.
Keep reading to find out how she does it all (and does it so flawlessly)…
Tell us a little about your business.
MH: “I started and run a lifestyle blog, and I’ve got a couple more projects up my sleeve.”
What inspired you to start your lifestyle blog? What were you doing before it?
MH: “I graduated from medical school, working in the medical field, and I needed a creative outlet. Troy (my husband) suggested I start a blog and the rest is history!”
How many children do you have?
MH: “Two! My son, Liam, is four and my daughter, Lillya, is one.”
Where are you based?
MH: “Just outside of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.”
How do you manage being a mom and an entrepreneur?
MH: “I rely heavily on my kids’ naps. It’s when I get a lot of work done. I also make sure to set aside separate time for my kids and for my work. This month, I have my sister helping with the kids so I have two days to focus solely on work. The best thing I’ve done is learn to ask for help!”
What does a typical workday/week look like for you?
MH: “Mondays and Wednesdays are team days. The girls who work with me come for full days of brainstorming, setting up shoots and taking care of all the little details. Throughout the week, I’ll keep an eye on emails, cover any collaboration details and post new content. Fridays are my day to catch up and cover anything I missed.”
Did you enjoy being pregnant? What was your pregnancy style?
MH: “I did until the last month. I wore jeans and a belly band until I was eight months along, and then switched over to leggings.”
What was the most surprising thing about becoming a mother?
MH: “How much it takes to juggle work and personal schedules.”
What are your three mom must haves?
MH: “A day planner I can write in. My phone. A good workout.”
You mention working out. Is that something that is important to you?
MH: “Yes, yes, YES! As hard and demotivating as working out can be after having a baby, working out is important. The feeling of not being comfortable in your own skin can ruin your whole day. Working out has helped me physically, mentally, and emotionally. From taking a break for myself to shedding the last few baby pounds, it’s huge. Going from one to two kids is a totally different experience. Having girlfriends to keep me accountable and to work out with is hugely important. I’ve been doing Whole30 – almost on day 50! – and I cannot say enough good things.”
What is your favorite mom moment so far?
MH: “I love creating special memories and building traditions for my kids. It’s special to see how valued they feel in those moments.”
Favorite place to shop for the kids?
MH: “Gap and Zara”
What are your beauty essentials?
MH: “Concealer, foundation, setting powder and mascara.”
What has changed the most since becoming a mom?
MH: “My perspective on what’s important. I appreciate the time and moments more. Since having kids, I feel like I understand joy in a fuller sense than I did before. Time flies even faster after having kids and, because you can’t stop it, you learn to capture time by slowing down and appreciating the present moment. It’s a challenge but it’s so worth it.”
How do you handle strive to ‘balance’ being a working mom?
MH: “I completely immerse myself in what I’m doing at that exact moment. Mom guilt will always be there. At the end of the day, I decided it’s most important to invest my full attention to work while I’m working to get things done because it gives me more time to be 100% focused on my kids. You need to surround yourself with people who support you and will help you.”
You have young children, what is the most important message you hope they grow up understanding?
MH: “Troy and I try to ingrain the values of being hardworking, kind and generous, and remind them that it isn’t all about them.”
What is one piece of advice you wish to pass on to new moms?
MH: “Don’t be so hard on yourself. Ask for help! Pick a select core group of friends and family you can rely on for advice and support. You’re not alone in this. There’ll be days that are the most overwhelming, but you’ll make it through.”
-Shop Monika’s Essentials-
Want more of Monika? Check out her blog for more of her lustworthy home decor, the effortless way she entertains and most importantly her dedication to her family and her faith. I promise, you will be hooked!
Love this. I want that cake recipe!!