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Photos courtesy of The Skinny Confidential
Lauryn Evarts, known to many of you as the voice behind The Skinny Confidential, is one of those women who inspires you take a close look at your career and how you are managing your time. Her podcast always leaves us feeling inspired, no matter the topic, and with each episode, blogpost or youtube video, we found ourselves falling more in love with Lauryn and more in awe of how much she is able to accomplish. But what we admire the most is her candid, honest perspectives and for keeping things real — sometimes diving into stereotypically uncomfortable topics — which is why we and so many others are fans.
In addition to building a very successful lifestyle platform and a global reputation as a fitness, health, and beauty expert, Lauryn has also written a book and launched a podcast featuring interviews with well known names like Jillian Michaels and Ashley Tisdale. We chatted with her to get the full scoop on what is next for The Skinny Confidential in 2018 — potentially including a product line and another book in the works. Read her full interview below and prepare to take notes!
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Let’s start from the beginning! You went to school for TV Broadcasting in San Diego and during college you taught fitness classes and earned a nutrition certificate. What was your post-college game plan before The Skinny Confidential was conceptualized?
LE: The game plan was NOTHING. I was horribly bored & unfulfilled and I didn’t know why- the second I started working for myself I had an AHA MOMENT. I’ve been an entrepreneur since I was born, it’s in my blood!
Once I had the idea of The Skinny Confidential I knew I wanted to create a community of women that could share tips and tricks. While I was creating the brand, I was bartending and teaching Pure Barre & Pilates while attending SDSU- my day to day was HUSTLE. Rinse and repeat.
You launched TSC in 2011 as a fitness blog and it has since evolved into a lifestyle resource. Tell us about the decision to expand your content.
LE: It’s important to niche down when creating a brand or business. You know, really lay the foundation.
I always knew TSC would expand beyond health and wellness but I wanted to be strategic about the evolution. The decision to expand happened naturally and at the right time for the community. As the audience grew they wanted to know more and I was able to start sharing more about my other interests.
From beauty and fashion to travel and business it’s all evolved very organically- but it was definitely something I paid attention to in the beginning. Do one thing, do it really f-ing well & then slowly add more quality.
Right now my audience is loving information about skin care. Prevention is a hot topic on The Skinny Confidential. The content and platforms will always continue to evolve. Now there’s a podcast and YouTube channel where weekly content is produced.
I want the community to always grow with the brand.
You didn’t study business in college and now you run a very successful one. What have been your biggest challenges along the way and what is your biggest piece of advice for budding entrepreneurs / bloggers?
LE: Ask for help. Know your strengths and weaknesses. I know that my strengths are creative vision and content. Weaknesses include accounting. LOL. You can’t do everything yourself. Find those whose strengths are your weaknesses and build a strong team.
Also, CREATE. Make time in your day to CREATE. I have been doing this thing called ‘The Morning Pages’ every morning and I realized the importance of carving time out of my day to create. I am constantly trying to work ON my business instead of IN my business, you know?
You and your husband Michael jumped on the podcast boat early and now have an incredible following (we’re huge fans!). How did you decide to try out this platform and why do you think it has resonated so well with your audience?
LE: THANK YOU! I am always looking for ways to strategically expand in a way that serves TSC audience. 2017 was all about showcasing personality- a picture in the street isn’t enough anymore. You have to give depth.
Also, time is huge. My audience is BUSY- they’re moving. They want information that can travel with them. You can throw a podcast on while you’re driving in traffic, doing your makeup or cleaning the house. I love the idea of multitasking while you learn. The podcast has been an incredible addition to the brand & I really love showcasing other people’s strengths on my platform.
What is your favorite interview to date? Who is your next dream interview to have on the show?
LE: Being able to record The Nanz, my grandma, on the show was incredible. She passed away last year before our wedding. It’s truly special to have her recorded on the podcast. I also really enjoyed Jillian Michaels because she’s a total badass and isn’t so serious. She beats to the tune of her own drum and lives life on her own terms- I love that. We would love Tim Ferriss. He is just so badass.
How big is the TSC team? Are there certain items / areas of your business that you prefer to delegate and others you feel like are important to manage yourself?
LE: The TSC team has about 8 people, and they work in multiple areas. I’m working on delegating more so I can focus on the larger picture of really building. I have two graphic designers (who I work very closely with to the point of where they tell me I need to stop micromanaging ), a backend guy, a manager, two assistants, a photographer, & editor. They’re all incredible and help the day to day run smooth. I am in contact with most of them 7 days a week.
What are your next big goals for TSC? You’ve mentioned launching a product line – anything you can share with us?
LE: Let’s just say it’s something VERY niched down and VERY specific to my audience- something that will make a lot of sense to the overall brand. Also another book possibly ; ).
What do you think have been the most significant changes in the past decade to the blogging / influencer world, and what do you think is next?
LE: When I first started, brands did not take influencers seriously. There has been a slow shift but I do see brands allowing the influencer to seamlessly advertise in a way that makes sense to their audience.
Another shift is the forms of media being used. Things have moved from still blog posts to LIVE video, audio, microblogging, etc. For me, 2018 is about taking a stance, sharing more of my personality, and documenting as opposed to just creating.
You’ve been vocal about the importance of staying true to your own voice and showing “Major Realness”. Any tips on ignoring negative feedback?
LE: It’s always going to be there- I’ve detached from it. You’re damned if you do, you’re damned if you don’t- you know? At the end of the day if you’re living life on your own terms, who cares? My sister always says: “what you think of me is none of my business.”
Blogging can feel like a 24 hour job that you can’t turn off. How do you prioritize your time and stay motivated and inspired?
LE: Calendaring (like color-coded calendaring) is a MUST for me to manage my time. Time-blocking is also HUGE. Big fan of batching too — meaning doing one task for a set amount of time. For instance, recording 3 podcasts in a day.
I stay inspired by my audience but I am most definitely not inspired all the time. That’s where discipline, patience, & self-motivation come in. You gotta use those tools in your tool box!
My community is huge for inspiration- I’m constantly connecting with them, learning from them, engaging. That in itself takes up a big chunk of my day. It’s so necessary to have clarity from them- they dictate the way of the brand.
You and your husband Michael work closely together. How is it working with your spouse? Do you have a system in place for separating your working relationship and marriage?
LE: It works for us but it’s definitely not for everyone. We have our fights FOR SURE. Recovery is key- the quicker the recovery the better. I wouldn’t want to work with anyone else. We’re building a team. BUT it’s something we’ve had to practice. We’ve definitely had to get uncomfortable to become comfortable. HA!
You’re a fitness and wellness guru. How would you summarize your weekly fitness and diet routine in a nutshell?
LE: Efficient. I schedule my workouts with my trainer, Kim Kelly, so that they are just as important as any meeting. We’re working on TSC Body Guide together so it feels like work a little too which is productive! Also I love to start my day by answering emails while walking on the treadmill. Two things at once is my kind of thing.
For diet I’m always on the go. I typically start my day with TSC Pink Detox Drink and a green collagen smoothie or eggs. I eat a lot of eggs with some GG crackers ( I’m OBSESSED and take them everywhere ). I eat a lot of egg salad or lox, tomatoes and onions on them too. I love a cinnamon cappuccino with unsweetened almond milk.
Dinner will consist of something like lentil pasta with lots of Brussels sprouts or cauliflower rice. I love a big salad. I always start with a huge salad & eat a lot of fiber and protein. I’m not too big on meat- only once in a while. Every night I have a cup of peppermint tea with fresh mint & a handful of dark chocolate chips.
If we’re traveling it really varies but I always make sure to eat a large salad and make smart substitutions. I’M ALL ABOUT A MODIFICATION.
Tell us your morning routine (wake up time, what you eat for breakfast, any wellness rituals):
LE: It’s important for me to start my day with a VERY CALM mindset. I’ll turn on the essential oil diffuser with some tangerine to help wake me up. Maybe some Headspace meditation. Sometimes I read– I am a big reader. I carve out at least an hour a day to read. Sometimes I oil pull. Next I write down my top priorities for the day so I have a clear vision of what I need to achieve- this is ‘The Morning Pages.’ After that I’ll make my drinks, answer emails on the treadmill, & prepare for the day (this includes setting conference call alarms, distributing my content, making to-do lists, a lot of texting, and answering DM’s/questions from TSC readers ).
How do you unwind and find balance?
LE: I’ve been working on creating a nighttime routine to help me unwind. Usually I use some lavender essential oils, grab my acupressure mat, & read. This helps calm me down and get me ready for bed. But to be honest, I love working at night. I’m non-stop which can be highly annoying. Yoga (not heated though) has been SUPER important when it comes to clarity. Also, I love a glass of dry red wine.
If you could host dinner for a group of people (living or dead) who would be there?
LE: OOOOOOHHHHH for sure Elizabeth Taylor. Andy Warhol because YES. Definitely The Kardashians to make it fun. Tim Ferriss could serve the wine? Gary Vee because I love his business advice. Jillian Michaels to make us laugh- she is so funny. I’d love Oprah for dessert. And if it’s not too much to ask can we have The Doors play music? My grandma could be at the head of the table. I’d cook- Mexican food for sure! Guac, chips, mango salsa, tacos, margaritas, the works. I hate boring- this wouldn’t be boring. Basically I’d want a contrast, a medley of people- because I love controlled chaos. Always want to keep it spicy.
It seems like you are always reading a new book and / or listening to another podcast to continue learning and challenging yourself. What are your personal goals for 2018 or do you believe in New Year resolutions?
LE: To continue to grow & learn. I’m always creating a strategic future. I feel like everyone should do this because then you can map out systems of how to get to where you want to be. It’s also a fantastic way to check in with yourself.
This year I’m focusing on growing the business and providing value to my community.
And of course, experiences! I want to travel, eat, sleep, read, sweat, learn, and story tell…A LOT.
Great interview! Thanks for sharing!
xx Sarah