At 7 weeks old Knox began “sleeping through the night” he would go 5-6 hour stretches (usually from midnight to 6am). After nights of nursing every 2-3 hours, this felt like a miracle! The hours gradually increased and by 3 months old he was sleeping from about 9:00pm – 6:00am (then he would nurse and go back to sleep to 8am). Because Knox did this on his own, we never needed to ‘sleep train’, however, we have had several bumps in the road that have gotten us off course.
Traveling, which we seem to do about every other month, almost always throws Knox off a bit. He typically will be more fussy at bedtime in a strange place and will wake up at least once at night. This seems completely understandable and normal to me so I honestly haven’t put too much thought into it. He easily calms back down if I come in to comfort him and nursing him puts him right back to sleep so it hasn’t ever been too much of an issue. Growth spurts are another reason we have had regression in his sleep. Every few months Knox goes through a growth spurt where he eats more often during the day and will also wake up during the night to eat. As the mother of a premature baby who has consistently been in the lower percentile in size, I will happily sacrifice my sleep to make sure he is getting all the nutrition he needs to grow into a healthy baby. So again, I have never worried about this misstep in his sleep (if you even want to call it that). We ride it out and he is back to sleeping through the night after a few days. At 9 months, Knox got his bottom two teeth. He woke up crying inconsolably the night before they popped through. He wouldn’t eat and we couldn’t console him. I knew something was wrong and sure enough FMK noticed his new teeth the next morning.
Since we have moved to Texas, Knox has had a hard time adjusting to a new bed. He needs to be rocked to sleep instead of playing in his bed until he falls asleep and he is waking up crying a couple times a night. To add to his discomfort his second top tooth starting coming through this weekend so the poor baby would wake up in pain and was hard to comfort. He did much better last night, but I am curious. Is this normal? What do you do to help your babies adjust to change? How do you comfort them when they are teething? We would love any suggestions!
*For more of Knox check out: an overdue update // starting solids // baptism // Knox at 4 months // 3 months // 1 month // welcome home
This is VERY normal. My son came home from the hospital sleeping through the night and began waking up after almost 2 months of sleeping like a little angel about the time when he began teething. We did not have luck with medications that contained Motrin b/c it upset his stomach and needed to be taken with milk. The last thing you want to do is retrain your baby to wake up again to feed. Ibuprofen was the key. He remained fast asleep and did not wake up again in the night. It also did not upset his stomach. We only gave it to him for a few weeks and only when he woke up in pain. It was a life saver. Hope this helps.
Thanks for the reassurance! We are giving him Motrin and I haven’t noticed any stomach discomfort, but we do usually give it to him before his bottle… definitely something to keep my eye on! Also, good point about the nursing, I don’t want to retrain him to have a midnight snack. 😉
That photo of Knox sleeping is so sweet! I have an 8 month old little guy that has also been a good sleeper but we have had some rough patches as well. In fact, we are going through one right now because I think he’s on the verge of learning to crawl. We live in Houston and anytime we travel to see my family in San Antonio or the in-laws in Dallas we just follow the same bedtime routine that we always do at home. So far it seems to have worked for us. Sometimes Evan will wake up in the middle of the night and will fuss a bit but puts himself back to sleep but there have been other times that I have had to nurse him to get him to go back to sleep. I don’t know that my rambling will be of much help to you and I apologize for any typos (typing on the iPhone + deliriously exhausted). I hope Knox adjusts to his new home soon so you can all get some better sleep. Welcome back to Texas! 🙂
Ha ha! I am pretty sure my whole post today was rambling, but thank you for weighing in! We try to keep the sam bedtime routine when we are away, too. I do think this is comforting to them. I need to be better about giving him time to self soothe. When we are traveling with others I am afraid he is going to wake up the whole house so I jump up to get him before he gets a chance to calm down. Thanks for sharing and for stopping by!
My little girl is also 9 months and we are going through the same thing with teething and waking up all night long. I’ve only ever nursed her to sleep. The research I”m doing now basically is telling me that I’ve trained this sleep association and she isn’t able to put herself back to sleep because she never has had to. We are looking into using a sleep coach again (we used the Cradle Coach at 4 months but I couldn’t stick the crying out). But, it’s starting to affect the whole family since we are getting very little sleep. There is also a local sleep coach in Tulsa, Ok that does 15 min consults for all over the US. Her name is Tara and she is super sweet! She works with many premature infants too. Just a thought! We are going to try again with the training…
xo and sweet dreams soon!
Thanks so much for the coaching advice! When we were in NY Knox could always put himself to sleep, but this is a good reminder not to let him get in the habit of having to be nursed to fall asleep. I don’t want to create new bad habits while we are trying to get through the teething! 🙂 Good luck with your little one! Thanks for your help and thanks for stopping by!
This is completely normal. If you have a good sleeper for the most part you will get back to that. They always go through phases and teething being one of them, but once you ride it out they go back to the good sleepers they were! I have 5 kids and the first 4 are girls. What’s funny is they handled teething very well but now my 7 month old son just got his first bottom tooth and is in the process of the second one and he is miserable! All my kids besides my second were good sleepers from the beginning and they all went through what you are describing. I was never one to cry it out or all that…I just can’t do that. I think if you don’t have your mama to comfort you at a young age what in the world do you have…anyway they all went back to their good sleeping habits eventually. You will have more phases like these to come, but just know they are only for a short time and you will be getting sleep again soon!
Thanks for the reassurance! I totally agree, I can’t bear the thought of our little guy being in pain and not going in to comfort him at such a young age. I know there will be more bumps ahead, but I think I am just going to love him through it and look forward to getting back to normal when this tooth gets through. 😉 Thanks for the advice and thanks for stopping by!
My son is also 9 months and we’ve been through the same situations. We also moved (when my son was 7mos) and that threw us for a loop for about a month. So I think everything you guys are going through is TOTALLY normal! Sadly I think sometimes moms judge other moms by if their baby sleeps through the night or not – – like you’re a better mom if your kid is an amazing sleeper… So not true! I would just keep doing what you’re doing and Knox will adjust and find his groove soon!! p.s. I love your Knox posts, he’s so adorable!!!
Good to hear from another momma that went through a move. Thanks for sharing and for stopping by!
My little one (who will be three in November) didn’t sleep through the night until she was about 18 months old; it was AWFUL. We tried everything that avoided crying it out, but eventually that is what we did and it worked. However, Knox is still so young and has so much going on to keep him awake; as long as you are letting himself try to comfort himself before going in you are making the best go at it! Good luck!
such a cutie!
It’s totally normal! I had a preemie as well, and she has always been a good sleeper. We also always rocked her to sleep. She woke up with growth spurts and things but always went back to her happy sleeping ways after. She is 3 now and sleeps 12 hrs a night!
Her sister, on the other hand, is 11 mo and does not sleep a lot! She still wakes up every 3 hours. After she turns one I’m comfortable with some sleep training- I am going to night wean her. I am not a fan of cry it out for little babies because they don’t get it. But I also think every mom needs to make her own choices and do what they feel is right.
This all sounds very familiar and normal to me. I am the mom of 3 boys (1 born at 37 weeks and twins born at 24). From my experience, when moms says that their kids sleep through the night, they mean when all is well. All of the things that you mentioned qualify as exceptions. Also, any sickness will usually have them up. Good luck to you. Your son is darling.
Thank you! We will get through this. 😉
Seeeeeee?! Totally normal! No letting him cry it out until he’s somewhere familiar and through teething. Then, you can think about sleep training!! Miss you already.
Totally agree! Just happy to hear the reassurance. 😉
Agree!! Tell Fred I’m moving to Houston when he starts sleep training. My poor baby. 😉 I’ll get up with him. Xo
Hi Caroline, love your blog. I’m based in the UK and my son was born a few weeks after Knox. As your other readers have commented before me- what you are going through is totally normal. My son has been particularly bad the last few weeks which we have attributed to a fussy phase as per “the wonder weeks” (have you read this? There is an app/book/website- based on research on thousands of babies) as well as teeth. For teeth- we try everything! Calpol, ibuprofen, amber teething anklet, Nelson’s granules…the works! When we travel my son Zach also takes a while to get to sleep. We are hoping once he is through this fussy phase and past the leap, he will self settle again. It sounds like you maybe interested in gentle parenting- there is a great FB group, and also the “cry it out yourself!” FB group has great advice for us mothers that feel sleep training at a young age doesn’t suit us. They are only little for such a small time! Keep up the excellent posts on the blog 🙂
Hi Sarah, thanks so much for sharing! I will definitely check out the Facebook groups. It is always good to hear from other mommas going through the same thing.
Hi Caroline! My kids’ sleep and teething experiences were totally different. I never knew when my son got a tooth until “surprise!” it was there. He also slept through the night without any problems unless sick, of course. My daughter doesn’t get a tooth without the whole family earning it with her–they really bother her. Once I realize that it’s a teething cry, Tylenol helps fast. She also woke through the night consistently until she turned one, at which point we started to let her CIO. I read the Baby Whisperer book and realized that I had contributed some to her sleeping issues. I mean, who isn’t going to get up when their little sweetheart is crying?!? But I totally agree with sister Sarah!
I love that you’re including your life as a mom here. Knox is precious!
Hi Caroline,
Unfortunately, I have no advice for you but rather a question:) I was hoping you can offer advice or a suggestion for me as I have a 5 week old that is breastfed and waking every 2-3 hrs at night. Mommy and daddy are barely functioning members of society and would love to try ANYTHING to stretch out those 2-3 hrs at night. A solid 4- or 5 hrs of sleep at a time is what dreams are made of. Did you do anything in particular to see that happen? Thank you!!!! Best of luck to you. Sounds like you are doing a wonderful job and your son is adorable and healthy looking!
For teething I used the infant Motrin before bed. My pediatrician told me that if adults had to endure teething we would need morphine! I also relied on an overnight diaper ( Huggies) that held more urine. Then finally – I sleep trained which was a brutal week of letting him cry for about 45, then 30, then 20, then 5 minutes until he could comfort himself back to sleep. Since then he has been a great sleeper ! You will figure it out and just trust your gut on what is right for your family! Kim
Hi Caroline, my son is also 9.5 month old and we moved into a new house 3 weeks ago. this changed his sleeping routine completely! he refused to sleep in his new room for nearly 2 weeks and woke up several times a night. so we tried to take it easy (sometimes not easy ;-)) and let him sleep for 2 weeks in our room. I think he needed the closeness to accomodate. now after 3 weeks he is back in his room and sleeps there now every night. so far his still waking up some times but after a bit of nursing he falls back a sleep. so don’t worry…knox will get used to the new situation very quickly. Best regards from Switzerland, Daphne Ps. I always love to read your posts! thank you!