I love that the back-to-school season encourages me to get organized in all aspects, from a productive schedule to a clean slate at home. As we’ve started buying back-to-school snacks and packing lunches, I’ve realized that it’s a great opportunity to teach the boys about recycling and how they can make a difference by forming new, easy habits. I’m excited to partner with leading recycling provider Republic Services during their “We Work for Earth” campaign to teach the boys the importance of recycling and to share a few pointers with you on how to get creative with teaching your own kiddos about recycling. It’s so important that we each do our small part to help preserve our beautiful planet for our kids’ generation and the generations to come! Read on below for 5 creative ways to teach your kids how to recycle.
Craft a Recycling Chart
The boys have been so excited to use their new colored pencils and markers from our back-to-school shopping, so I decided to organize a craft project with them to create a recycling chart. We drew pictures of all of their favorite snacks and drinks that can be recycled that we can keep in our kitchen. This teaches them to place the containers in the recycling bin as opposed to just tossing them in the trash.
Create a Compost Bin Outside
It’s amazing to see that schools are now teaching kids how to compost. It’s super easy to have a compost pot outside that is just a terra cotta planter with soil. When your kids are done eating fruit that has a peel, like an orange, have them place it in the soil. Explain to your kids that this helps create rich soil for plants, and then you can even use it to grow a vegetable garden or flowers.
Visit Local Parks and Encourage Outside Play
We’re very lucky in Houston to have amazing parks and green spaces that offer a variety of activities, including composting and gardening. These interactive activities are not only educational but they also instill a love for nature and the earth in your kids. By linking recycling back to the preservation of their favorite parks and green spaces, you can make them more excited and willing to play their small part in taking care of the earth.
Take Your Kids to a Recycling Center
My boys love field trips and I know that if I take them to see a recycling facility, they will be more excited to get on board with recycling. You can check Republic Services’ website to find a location near you.
Buy Toys Made with Recycled Materials
There are so many sustainable companies now that will help you show your kids an end result of their recycling efforts. Whether it’s a toy or a new outfit, support sustainable companies and be sure to explain to your kids that their new goodies are made from recycled materials. If you’re unsure of where to buy sustainable toys or clothing, do a quick Google search and you will find many options!
Thank you Republic Services for partnering with HOUSE of HARPER on this post and for teaching families about the importance of recycling!
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