I met one of my best friends from high school at Kyle Warren Park last week for a playdate with our littles. It is so fun to see a second generation of future besties growing up together!

Trailer Cakes
The park was still under construction when FMK and I moved from Dallas to NYC. It made me so happy to see it completed and thriving.  We had already eaten lunch when we met up so I didn’t get a chance to try the lunch trucks, but we did get a cupcake at Trailercakes and it didn’t disappoint!

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Griff is old enough to enjoy all the fun the water fountains and the splash park have to offer. We will have to bring Knox back when he is more mobile to take full advantage of all the fun.

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Downtown makes a beautiful back drop for the park. I only wish the food trucks would have been there for my lunch breaks when I was working downtown.

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I love the idea of stopping by the reading and games room to read the Dallas Morning News or to play a game of Guess Who with Knox when he gets older.

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Seeing these two together makes my heart full!

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^^^”Hey, those are my keys!”  I guess we better start working on sharing.^^^

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Knox packed his camo + denim for Texas.  His Uncle Walt + Cappy approve
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It’s only April and you already need to cool off in the water… I forgot what the Texas sun feels like!