Happy Labor Day weekend, everyone! I hope you’re outside enjoying time with your family, but if you find yourself needing some downtime in the A/C, enjoy these weekend reads! If you’re in Houston this weekend, we’ve linked below to a list of activities happening around town. Wherever you are, have a wonderful long weekend! xo
Destroying the Myth of the Perfect Woman – On Man Repeller’s interview series The Call, they sit down and talk to New York Times Bestselling author Glennon Doyle about “not being afraid to recreate your life when it’s right for you, the balancing act of sharing your true self without tipping into depreciation, and how to completely redefine the idea of the perfect woman.”
Why Raising Your Kids Around Their Grandparents is So Beneficial – I love this article because it’s so important to FMK and me that Knox and Andrew spend as much quality time as possible with their grandparents. We have a weekly standing Sunday lunch date with FMK’s parents and even though my parents live three hours away, we each make the trip as often as possible!
Labor Day Weekend Activities Around Houston – If you’re in Houston this weekend, enjoy this list of fun activities to do around town — many are free and family-friendly!
New Books to Read Over Labor Day Weekend – I love a good book list, especially over a long holiday weekend when hopefully I’ll get some downtime! If you’re in the same boat, check out this new book list from Brit + Co.
Maybe Your Sleep Problem Isn’t a Problem – If you have trouble falling asleep and find yourself staying up until the wee hours, you may be in luck. Very interesting read about sleep on New York Times!
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